
Conditions: 75 deg F, 100% humidity – return to mugginess CoP SSH * 30 IC MNC * 15 IC Chinooks * 10 each way IC T^3 * 15 IC DQs …

Guest Q-pons

A surprise guest Q from the region Nantan Salmonella.  He came prepared for a large turnout, and only 5 Pooler PAX posted … much lower than the recent Monday turnouts …


Conditions: 74 deg F, 98% Humidity CoP: Silent SSH (first 5 IC, remaining 16 silent.  If we don’t stop together at 21, 5 burpee penalty). Needless to say, 5 Burpees …

IronPAX Challenge – Week 2

In preparation for this week’s IronPAX challenge, there was plenty of chatter to figure out how to most efficiently complete the workout with the highest reps.  Overall, the sentiment was …

Danger Zone

The final day of Aviation week paid tribute to some of the awesome fighter aircraft of the US Military.  The PAX demonstrated their own agility, speed, and air dominance with …

Stealth Bombers

Theme week #2:  Aviation Given the large presence of Gulfstream employees in Pooler, and YHCs own passion for all things that fly, this seemed like an appropriate theme for the …

Game day 3 – Poker face

9 pax wrapped up game week by YHC. The forecast was 70% chance of rain, but that meant 30% chance of no rain. No fartsacking from this group of hard …