Island of 100 Burpees

YHC had a Q planned for a few days, which is a new occurrence.  With a Saturday, 60 minute workout coming up, the goal was to use the entire time, …

Post Hoc Ergo Propter Hoc

Following a business meeting which replaced a workout on Wednesday, we had 1 of our larger showings for the SAVshuffle in a while also EH’ng someone from Starbucks who thought …


It was a warm muggy Savannah morning.  Pax was 6 strong including a visitor from Memphis posting before a flight home. Flag was missing, something that we were not unaccustomed …

Bull Street Sally

This morning’s shuffle is brought to you by the color Green and the Letter S. 8 Pax joined in the gloom for Savannah’s most popular shuffle workout. (YHC, Twinkle, Two …

Three is a crowd

The pax was only 3 in size, perfect for the planned partner exercises.  Twinkle visited from the Wilmington Island run club AO.  Matlock made the first official deposit into the …

Four for four corners

Four pax arrived at hull park ready for the return of a twinkle work-out. Expecting the arrival of the pax that had planned a pre-post run on Slack the start …