1st F 09/20/2023 Hump Day Run
AO: RICHMOND HILL QiC: Trophy Date: 09/20/2023 Title: Hump Day Run Number of HIMs: 2 Beads, Trophy Number of FNGs: 0 Name of FNGs: WarmOrama: Stretch the legs and run …
Free Outdoor Morning Workouts To Build Community Leaders
AO: RICHMOND HILL QiC: Trophy Date: 09/20/2023 Title: Hump Day Run Number of HIMs: 2 Beads, Trophy Number of FNGs: 0 Name of FNGs: WarmOrama: Stretch the legs and run …
AO: RICHMOND HILL QiC: _Not Registered Date: 09/19/2023 Title: Ruck Number of HIMs: 2 Butterfingers, Fresh Prince Number of FNGs: 0 Name of FNGs: WarmOrama: OYO Tha Thang: RUCK COT: …
AO: WESTSIDE QiC: Trophy Date: 09/19/2023 Title: Westside Solo Number of HIMs: 1 Trophy Number of FNGs: 0 Name of FNGs: WarmOrama: Sit in my truck with seat heater on, …
AO: RICHMOND HILL QiC: Scope Date: 09/18/2023 Title: 4 way ladder Number of HIMs: 4 Butterfingers, Crablegs, Trophy Number of FNGs: 0 Name of FNGs: WarmOrama: 10 don Quixote’s IC …
AO: RICHMOND HILL QiC: Doobie Date: 09/18/2023 Title: Cindy 500 Dora-Style Number of HIMs: 17 Beads, Brick, Chum, Coffee Bean, Doobie, Duke, Dump truck, LiveWire, Magic, Mudflap, Pellets, Shark Tank, …
AO: RICHMOND HILL QiC: Doobie Date: 09/16/2023 Title: IPC23 Week 2 Number of HIMs: 3 Doobie, Papa Doc, Trophy Number of FNGs: 0 Name of FNGs: WarmOrama: Static Stretch! Tha …
AO: RICHMOND HILL QiC: Beads Date: 09/15/2023 Title: IPC predictions for week 3 Number of HIMs: 14 007, Beads, Brick, Bring it, Chum, Coffee Bean, Doobie, Duke, Dump truck, Fresh …
AO: RICHMOND HILL QiC: Trophy Date: 09/15/2023 Title: Beads and Trophy go for a Jog Number of HIMs: 2 Beads, Trophy Number of FNGs: 0 Name of FNGs: WarmOrama: Did …
AO: RICHMOND HILL QiC: Fresh Prince Date: 09/12/2023 Title: IPC Week 2 Number of HIMs: 21 Beads, Brick, Butterfingers, Captain D, Chop, Chum, Coffee Bean, Doobie, Duke, Dump truck, Fresh …
AO: RICHMOND HILL QiC: _Not Registered Date: 09/14/2023 Title: Dumpster Ruck Number of HIMs: 5 Butterfingers, Coffee Bean, Dump truck, Fresh Prince, Shark Tank Number of FNGs: 0 Name of …