1st F 01/23/2024 Serve the people

AO: WESTSIDE QiC: Low Tide Date: 01/23/2024 Title: Serve the people Number of HIMs: 4 Low Tide, Papa Doc, Siwa, Trophy Number of FNGs: 0 Name of FNGs: WarmOrama: Pledge …

1st F 01/22/2024 40 Something

AO: RICHMOND HILL QiC: Trophy Date: 01/22/2024 Title: 40 Something Number of HIMs: 5 Beads, Butterfingers, Dump truck, Papa Doc, Trophy Number of FNGs: 0 Name of FNGs: WarmOrama: Warmup …

1st F 01/19/2024 Burpee Buffet

AO: RICHMOND HILL QiC: Papa Doc Date: 01/19/2024 Title: Burpee Buffet Number of HIMs: 4 Beads, Butterfingers, Crablegs, Papa Doc Number of FNGs: 0 Name of FNGs: WarmOrama: Disclaimer Pledge …

1st F 01/18/2024 Truckin’

AO: WESTSIDE QiC: Papa Doc Date: 01/18/2024 Title: Truckin' Number of HIMs: 3 Dump truck, Murdock, Papa Doc Number of FNGs: 0 Name of FNGs: WarmOrama: Joined up and decided …