1st F 03/14/2024 Suns in, Guns out

AO: WESTSIDE QiC: Hobby Lobby Date: 03/14/2024 Title: Suns in, Guns out Number of HIMs: 2 Bluey, Hobby Lobby Number of FNGs: 0 Name of FNGs: WarmOrama: Pledge Arm stretches …

1st F 03/13/2024 Irish HIIT

AO: RICHMOND HILL QiC: Washout Date: 03/13/2024 Title: Irish HIIT Number of HIMs: 17 Bartman, Beads, Brick, Chop, Chum, Doobie, Duke, Dump truck, Hoover, LiveWire, Mudflap, Newbie, Pellets, Shark Tank, …

1st F 03/12/2024 Murph prep

AO: WESTSIDE QiC: Low Tide Date: 03/12/2024 Title: Murph prep Number of HIMs: 5 Dump truck, Hobby Lobby, Low Tide, Murdock, Trophy Number of FNGs: 0 Name of FNGs: WarmOrama: …

1st F 03/11/2024 Leg Day

AO: RICHMOND HILL QiC: Trophy Date: 03/11/2024 Title: Leg Day Number of HIMs: 4 Butterfingers, Dump truck, Pine Knot, Trophy Number of FNGs: 0 Name of FNGs: WarmOrama: SS hops, …