1st F 07/08/2021 Crucible and Runners

AO: POOLER QiC: _Not Registered Date: 07/08/2021 Title: Crucible and Runners Number of HIMs: 7 Betty Crocker, Brady Bunch, Mr. Miyagi, Pergo, Portabella, Sweet -n -low Number of FNGs: 0 …

1st F 06/18/2021 Full Body Joy

AO: POOLER QiC: Gumbo Date: 06/18/2021 Title: Full Body Joy Number of HIMs: 10 Betty Crocker, Enron, Gumbo, Norm, Octagon, Quikrete, Radar, Sweet -n -low Number of FNGs: 0 Name …

1st F 06/02/2021 Old stomping grounds

AO: POOLER QiC: Cheddar Biscuit Date: 06/02/2021 Title: Old stomping grounds Number of HIMs: 8 _Not Registered, Betty Crocker, Brady Bunch, Cheddar Biscuit, Doughboy, DQ, Gumbo, TPS Number of FNGs: …