Conditions: 45 deg F, windy
We didn’t have a registered Q today, but Putt Putt suggested a Black Friday theme. YHC recreated a stack workout using that.
SSH * 30 IC, MNC *15 IC, Chinooks * 10 each way, Sprinklers * 15 IC
The Thang
Grab one Cindy per PAX.
- Blockees * 5
Run a lap around the parking lot lane island
- Blockees * 5 +
- Lunges w/ Cindy * 10
Run a lap.
- Blockees * 5 +
- Lunges * 10 +
- American Hammers * 15
Run a lap.
- Blockees * 5 +
- Lunges * 10 +
- American Hammers * 15 +
- Curls * 20
Run a lap.
- Blockees * 5 +
- Lunges * 10 +
- American Hammers * 15 +
- Curls * 20 +
- Kettle Bell Swings * 25
Run a lap.
Reverse the B.L.A.C.K. Stack.
Do a final round by discounting the reps to go back up the stack by doing 3, 6, 9, 12, and 15 and shortening the lap to three light poles instead of the full lane. Sprint the last lap.
Return the Cindy’s and mosey back to the flag.
Countarama, namearama, pledge, prayer
Ultimate Frisbee convergence tomorrow at Forsyth Park at 0730. Being the 2.0s. Pretty sure this event is the only reason we have Putt Putt back. He’s stoked!