1st F 02/17/2025 Core work

QiC: Hoover
Date: 02/17/2025
Title: Core work
Number of HIMs: 10
Chum, Doobie, Fresh Prince, GoodShepard, Hoover, Kong, Magic, Miracle Grow, Mudflap, Webster

Number of FNGs: 0
Name of FNGs:


Concrete pickers
Don Quixote
Jog from shed around field to bleachers in middle for mule kicks for 1 minute
Walking lunge down 25 yards and then line up for sprint back across field to go get Cindy and he cousin

Tha Thang:
Pick a partner and line up on side line with your two Cindy’s each.
Round one: One man does coil over crunch with Cindy while second partner does farmers carry w/ shrugs down and back.
Round two: same MOT and American hammers
Round three: same MOT and high block dips

Tabata work: coil over crunches, chest press, curls, OHP, gas pumpers, flutter kicks, leg lifts, pickle pointers with block

Put up Cindy and circle up for stretching and breathing work, bringing the heart rate down.

Prayers for Chums in laws – for them to continue to heal and regain strength, for Jesus to be present with them

Prayers of rest for the administrators, teachers, staff of the schools on the break. Pray that we will as men slow down and be intentionally present with the kids today and tomorrow with them being home and make an impression on them and plant a seed of love and encouragement. We are all a bunch of wretches and fall short, please forgive us and make us sober minded to the ways of the world and what is going on around us.