1st F 02/15/2025 Saturday Cindy/Sandy Beatdown

QiC: Crablegs
Date: 02/15/2025
Title: Saturday Cindy/Sandy Beatdown
Number of HIMs: 4
Bluey, Crablegs, Dump truck, Low Tide

Number of FNGs: 0
Name of FNGs:

Side-straddle hops
grass pickers
imperial walkers
arm circles
push up bras

Tha Thang:
Partner up

manmakers/ 100 yard run
25 big boys together
100yd run /manmakers

Sandy squats/ 75 yard mario
25 gas pumpers together
75 yard mario/ sandy squats

OHP/50 yard kareoke
1 min plank together
50 yard kareoke/OHP

Sandy curls/25 yard cocaine bears
block merkins together
cocaine bears/sandy curls

Teams take cindy/sandy down 100 yards x 2

Mary- flutters, gas pumpers, penguins, LBCs

Prayers of gratitude for the men of the group.