1st F 02/15/2025 Solving the Problem

QiC: Orange Juice
Date: 02/15/2025
Title: Solving the Problem
Number of HIMs: 7
Door Jam, Orange Juice, Pan Am, ShamWow, Tin Cup, Tofu, Vinyl

Number of FNGs: 0
Name of FNGs:

-Plank into runners stretch
-5 merkins
-TTT and flamingo stretch
– Little baby arm circles
– Mosey to pick up Cindy

Tha Thang:
We used what F3 calls the “Bowling Ball Grip” to discuss the 3 identifiable symptoms of the “Sad Clown Syndrome”.

Sad Clown Syndrome is the problem that F3 can solve through fitness, fellowship, and faith.

The first symptom of SCS is inconsistent fitness or better known as POGO40 when referring to the 1st hole that needs to be filled in the bowling ball grip. This is the process that a man undergoes to lose the 40lbs that he packed on only to gain it right back be cause there is not another man to catch him on the slide back into weight gain.

– In honor of the POGO40 the PAX performed 42 burpees in 7 minutes, 40 Curls, and 40 Tricep extensions. Added 5 more penalty horn burpees.

The second symptom of SCS is fact that most men are lonely or better known as the Sifter in the bowling ball grip. F3 describes 3 types of friends: Legacy buddy, man dates, and work buddy all of which do not provide consistent accountability and/or full transparency. F3 also fills this hole by providing deep and transparent friendships with accountability.

– In honor of the Sifter the PAX completed 150step ups while holding each other accountable for getting all of the reps in.

The 3rd symptom of SCS is lack of purpose or better known as Reacher in the bowling ball grip. Jack Reacher is used by F3 to illustrate the lack of purpose in the life of modern man. We need something hard to do and f3 fills this hole as we challenge each other to choose the hard path and find your purpose.

– In honor of the Reacher, the PAX completed a super11 workout by doing OHP’s and Calf raises. 67 reps of each were completed.

Now that we have filled all 3 holes in the bowling ball grip, we are ready to accelerate with impact while holding each other accountable.

Circled up to complete core workout:
-25 flutter kicks in cadence
-25 Freddie mercury in cadence
-25 Gas pumpers on Q
-25 LBC’s on Q

Good mumble chatter throughout the workout as we discussed the mission of f3 and why we need it. Prayers for sweet n low’s son as he continues to deal with back issues. Prayers for Sakrete’s sister as she continues to fight the emotional battle during her pregnancy.

If you need a copy of “Freed to Lead” let me know. I have a copy that can be passed around.