1st F 02/10/2025 Route 66 to Pooler

QiC: Sweet -n -low
Date: 02/10/2025
Title: Route 66 to Pooler
Number of HIMs: 17
A-Boot, Backfire, Balut, Betty Crocker, Brady Bunch, Dorothy, Dropout, Flat Tire, Gilligan, Gumbo, H.A.L., Honker, Radar, Shake it, Snuggie, Spam, Sweet -n -low

Number of FNGs: 0
Name of FNGs:

Plank / Disclaimer
Worlds greatest stretch
Motivators (6 count)
Thunderstruck – merkins & deep squats
Pair up in 2 columns for Indian Run
Pick up Cindy’s
Did fun stuff like OHPs, Curis, and Triceps in route to ticket booth

Tha Thang:
Start at Ticket Booth
1. Pullups 6
2. Burpees 11
3. Curls 22
4. Triceps 33
5. Merkins 44
6. Flutterkicks 55
7. SSHs 66

Run a lap around designated lot area and then go to next exercise, then work prior exercises before running next lap.

Last round, we took turns leading exercises.

Announcements & Prayer:
2/22 YMCA Playground cleanup – see details provided today in Slack by Balut
Spam announced his 50 Day Challenge and invited others (I barely remember turning 50!)
Hal has offered his services to add you, or create for you, a sheet that he can customize for those who’d like it.
Pray for those injured and ill.
Encourage others that God puts in your path.
Don’t be selfish and share F3 invites with men you meet.
We don’t show up just to workout. We show up for one another.
Iron sharpens iron.