QiC: Sweet -n -low
Date: 01/17/2025
Title: Leadership in a Rotating Fashion
Number of HIMs: 17
Balut, Bogey, Brady Bunch, DQ, Flat Tire, Gumbo, H.A.L., Periwinkle, R-12, Radar, Sippy Cup, Swabbie, Sweet -n -low
Number of FNGs: 4
Name of FNGs: Zadziso is now known as Jiffy
Plank / Runner Stretch / Disclaimer
ACDC Thunderstruck – merkins, squats (2:26 each)
Five core principles:
1 Free
2 Open to all men
3 Outdoors rain or shine (or snow)
4 Peer Lead (rotating fashion)
5 Ends in Circle of trust
Mission Statement of F3 is to plant, grow, and serve small workout groups for men to invigorate male community leadership.
Mosey to Get Cindy’s
The attempt was to help train and embrace uniformity as needed within F3 network at all sites.
Yours truly was too verbose in my explanation and description of beatdown routine. My apologies. That is why we seek feedback – to all become better leaders and to make each other stronger.
Tha Thang:
First man calls exercise.
Run around cone in parking lot.
Roll both dice (multiplier) times one die (multiplier) equals reps for exercise
Doubles means we all bearcrawl 40 yards to left pole for 10 burpees
Three on either dice means bearcrawl 40 yards to right for 30 of any Mary exercise
DQ started us out with "double threes" which meant the merkins, the 30 Marys, and the 10 burpees, along with a bunch of bear crawling. Thanks for all who lead and all who followed.
Suggestions for Exercises: (Note: These were offered so all men would have options. These are only a sampling that may help future leaders generate their own Q’s).
Chest: merkins, chest presses, Carolina drydocks
Shoulders: OHPs, lawnmowers
Triceps: behind head, dips, diamond pushups
Legs: squats, lunges, jumpsquats
Back: high pulls, kbell swings, bentover rows
Biceps: curls, 1 arm curls, 4 ct curls
Abs / Marys: WW’s, boat canoes, flutters, Emmys
Cardio: burpees, SSH’s, mtn.climbers
Misc.: Murder bunnies, Bonnie Blairs, Blockies, etc.
– YMCA cleanup delayed (see Periwinkle note in Slack)
– Sat Beatdown at The Ranch at 0600 and Men’s Breakfast at Countryside Baptist at 0800 with speaker Pastor Kenny Grant
– Sick – Bayleigh and Waylon (epilepsy)
– Betty Crocker and may others
– Travelers
– Pregnancies
– Country – leaders and pastors – transfer of power
– Encourage and lead in our homes, communities, churches and workplaces.
– Help those God puts in our path today.