1st F 01/16/2025 9 Angels

QiC: Flea
Date: 01/16/2025
Title: 9 Angels
Number of HIMs: 11
Amazon, Cardone, Finkle, Joanna, Lady Chablis, Miss Bliss, Ponzi, Rapinoe, Sweetheart, Turtle

Number of FNGs: 0
Name of FNGs:

SSH, Arm Circles, TTT all IC
Grab a Cindy from the stack and pay the man on the way over.

Tha Thang:
6 Rounds:
11 Pushups
11 Lunges HC
11 OH Presses
11 OH Squats
11 Cindy Swings
11 Flutters 4count
11 Mtn Climbers HC
11 Vups
Shoulder Carry lap
Farmers Carry lap

Return Cindy to the stack and pay the man on the way back to the flag! Crucible flutters until 0600

Count, Names, Pledge, and Prayer