QiC: Gilligan
Date: 01/08/2025
Title: The Matrix 2025 Edition
Number of HIMs: 11
Backfire, Dorothy, Gilligan, Gumbo, H.A.L., Honker, Periwinkle, Radar, Spam, Swabbie, Sweet -n -low
Number of FNGs: 0
Name of FNGs:
Welcome & Introduction
Disclaimer, review mission, credo and (5) core principles of F3
Warm-up exercises
– 21’s
– Mikey Phelps OYO
– TTT / Concrete Pickers
– Sprinklers
– Imperial Walkers
– Mosey to the back lot
Tha Thang:
Welcome to the 2025 edition of the Matrix. The matrix is comprised of the “islands” on the back parking lot, which are laid out in a pattern of 4 columns and 5 rows. This workout required lots of movement and some ability to do math. The later became more difficult as you do more of the former.
The basic pattern is as follows:
The row value is as follows: Row 1: Burpees (Qty 1), Row 2: Bonnie Blair (2), Row 3: Merkin (3), Row 4 LBC (4), Row 5: Shoulder Tap (5)
Starting at Column (1) proceed thru the rows and corresponding exercises with the total qty at each station determined by the product of the row value and column number. Proceed through the rows and then to the start of the next column and hold plank to wait for the other PAX.
Column 1: (1) burpee, (2) Bonnie Blairs, (3) Merkins, (4) LBCs, (5) shoulder taps.
Column 2: (2) burpees, (4) Bonnie Blairs, (6) Merkins, (8) LBCs, (10) shoulder taps.
Column 3: (3) burpees, (6) Bonnie Blairs, (9) Merkins, (12) LBCs, (15) shoulder taps.
Column 4: (4) burpees, (8) Bonnie Blairs, (12) Merkins, (16) LBCs, (20) shoulder taps.
The Matrix is so great, they made a sequel!
Reload and proceed thru the matrix but multiply all of the rep counts times two…
Mosey back to the flag
After action – complaints that we were (2) minutes over time before COT started; many apologies to the PAX that have fewer than (2) minutes of flexibility in their morning schedule.
Announcements – general discussion, then decision to postpone the playground clean-up that had been planned for this Saturday. We’ll workout in rain and cold, but consensus was that we don’t want to throw down mulch in these conditions (mostly due to the desire to have better attendance on a nicer day). New date is next Saturday, Jan 18th.
Several PAX mentioned prayer concerns, YHC did a terrible job remembering the specifics during the BOM and again for this backblast.
I have signed up for my next Q on Feb 7th.