1st F 12/05/2024 On the first day of Q-mas….

QiC: Shake it
Date: 12/05/2024
Title: On the first day of Q-mas….
Number of HIMs: 8
Cheddar Biscuit, Chief, Door Jam, Dorothy, Gumbo, R-12, Spread Eagle

Number of FNGs: 0
Name of FNGs:

Just some stretches to get loose and warmed up

Tha Thang:
In the spirit of Christmas and finally being able to listen to Christmas music, since it’s after thanksgiving…thought we do a beat down like a famous song….12 Days of Christmas. That song likes to repeat itself and always start from the top. So, it was essentially ladder work. Start at 1. Finish it. Do workout 1 & 2. Finish that. Hit 1, 2, & 3 etc. until time was called. I thought in the spirit of giving I would gift the pax with their “favorites”
The workouts:
1. 15 Merkins & Rifle Carry to first stop sign
2. 25 SSH & 20 Bonnie Blair’s (single count)
3. 15 OHP & 20 Squats
4. 25 Curls & Run to far stop sign
5. 15 Rows & Bear crawl across bricks.

Mary- Dealers Choice

Bourbon was delivered to Shake It and Chief-thanks Gumbo and Spread Eagle!
Keep up the 25 days of Christmas Bingo card!
Coat Drive-bring to Cheddar and he can get it to Pergo

Pledge Prayer POL