1st F 10/21/2024 Light Pole Cindy Love

QiC: Periwinkle
Date: 10/21/2024
Title: Light Pole Cindy Love
Number of HIMs: 13
Backfire, Balut, Betty Crocker, Brady Bunch, Dorothy, Gilligan, Gumbo, Honker, Radar, Swabbie, TPS, WooHoo

Number of FNGs: 0
Name of FNGs:

Squat Extensions, Plank, Lunge Stretch, jog to grab Cindys and partner up

Tha Thang:
Partner Workout With Cindy (Cindy doesn't touch the ground unless required for exercise movement). Partners could divvy up work however it fits them.

Round 1 = 40 Reps
Round 2 = 38 Reps
Round 3 = 36 Reps

Light Pole 1: T Release Merkins
Light Pole 2: Bag Deadlifts (thanks BC for the bags)
Light Pole 3: Burpee over the block
Light Pole 4: Weighted squats
Light Pole 5: Ankles over Cindy
Light Pole 6: Thrusters
Light Pole 7: Cactus Jumps
Pull-Ups = 20 – 19 -18

Everyone finished at least two rounds, way to go!

COT = Announcements regarding convergence, playground cleanup, and early morning awareness. Pledge and Prayer.

Feel better, Sweet N Low – we missed you today!