QiC: Patches
Date: 10/07/2024
Title: 5 on the Die
Number of HIMs: 5
Bullwinkle, Door Jam, Little Annie, Mr. Miyagi, Patches
Number of FNGs: 0
Name of FNGs:
Downward dog/ Cobra w Disclaimer
Runner Stretch
R/L Leg Stretch
Flamingo Stretch
R/L arm Stretch
Trunk Twist
Tha Thang:
Used the 4 trees and a cone in the middle that looked like a 5 on the die. We started at Tree #1, completed 40 Chest Press, Murder Bunny to the Middle for 5 Burpees, Carry Cindy back to Tree #1 and RC to Tree #2.
Tree #2- 35 Dips, MB to the middle, 5 Burpees, Carry Cindy Back to Tree #2, RC to Tree #3. Tree #3- 30 Weighted Squats, MB to middle, 5 Burpees, Carry Cindy back to Tree #3, RC to Tree # 4. Tree #4- 25 Derkins, MB to Middle, 5 Burpees, Carry Cindy back to Tree #4, RC back to Tree #1.
After Completion each HIM ran to the second light pole for 25 WWI's. Run back to Tree #1 to Rinse and Repeat.
Door Jam had a Great idea to get more Reps in, we decided to eliminate the MB, it was a little longer than I remembered, and we went with RC to the middle for our MOT and back to the trees.
Great work by all…Lots of complaining..
Pergo you gotta get back out to the Colosseum, I don't like being the Oldest HIM there.
Pray- Country, Those dealing with the destruction due to Hurricane, Florida and those in the path of Hurricane Milton, That we can be the light so others can see Christ in us