1st F 10/03/2024 2 years of F3

QiC: TestTube
Date: 10/03/2024
Title: 2 years of F3
Number of HIMs: 7
Falcon9, Mr. Miyagi, Orange Juice, Sakrete, ShamWow, Short Circuit, TestTube

Number of FNGs: 0
Name of FNGs:

Right over left toe touch, left over right, straight leg, through the tunnels, Don Quixotes, plank into downward dog, dive bombers, runner stretch, Jenner, recover into arm circles, chinooks, and SSH

Tha Thang:
3 sets of Al Gore Tree Hugging side shuffle suicides: squat position side shuffle; down, back and down again

Core shuffle:
Line up shoulder to shoulder in plank.
PAX at end starts 24 Mtn Climbers then runs to the other end of the line and lays down on back holding feet up 6 inches or so, next PAX begins Mtn climbers then joins the first HIM laying on back holding feet up etc.

Once the last plank holder finishes their Mtn Climbers and runs to the end, the first laying down PAX begins 24 Freddie Mercuries then run to end of the line and hold plank. Last Freddie Merc runs to end of line.

4 Cindy’s, each roughly 5 yards apart

Plank shoulder to shoulder, Cindy slide underneath PAX, hold plank until all the way through. Then slide Cindy back to starting point.

Bear crawl to next Cindy

Flip over on back 5 chest press pass, hold feet 6” off the ground until you’re doing chest press. Pass Cindy to the end and back.

Bear Crawl to next Cindy

Plank Cindy slide again down and back

Bear crawl to Cindy

5 chest press pass, hold feet 6” off the ground. Pass Cindy down and back.

WW3 Cindy Pass- everyone on their 6 in a circle. 1 Cindy. Everyone counts sit-ups together but 1 has Cindy for 2 WW3’s then passes it to the next, who then does 2 WW3’s etc. All reps together until Cindy makes it around to each PAX. Cindy holder calls the Up. Then increase rep to 3 pass Cindy around, then 4 reps, and then 5 reps

Now in Reverse, 5 chest press pass, hold feet 6” off the ground. Pass Cindy down and back.

crawl bear

Cindy slide down and back

Crawl bear

5 chest press pass, hold feet 6” off the ground. Pass Cindy down and back.

Crawl bear

Cindy slide down and back

Announcements: Blue Sky Acres this Saturday 8-12

Prayers: ShamWow’s MIL, people still without power