1st F 07/29/2024 Huckleberry remix

QiC: Flat Tire
Date: 07/29/2024
Title: Huckleberry remix
Number of HIMs: 8
Backfire, Bogey, Dorothy, Flat Tire, Gumbo, Honker, Spam

Number of FNGs: 0
Name of FNGs:

TTT , SSS, MNC, Merkee x5

Tha Thang:
Five cones set up along the road. Starting at the first cone, do 10 reps of each exercise
Curls, squats, merkins,LBC. Rifle carry to the next cone and ladder up the reps to 15 , next cone 20…until the last cone which was 30 reps. Then ladder back down 25,20…
When the timer went off every 4 minutes run to the farthest cone which may be in front or behind you return and pick up where you left off. All got to the 30 and some were on the way back. Return to flag for Mary

The music selection was probably the best we’ve had in months.
Pledge, Pray for unspoken concerns, and on our way.
Always a pleasure to lead a fine group of men.