1st F 07/13/2024 Sweaty to the Core

QiC: TestTube
Date: 07/13/2024
Title: Sweaty to the Core
Number of HIMs: 8
Door Jam, Honker, Mr. Miyagi, Orange Juice, Pippette, ShamWow, Short Circuit

Number of FNGs: 0
Name of FNGs:

Right over left foot touch toes, Left over right, straight down touch toes, Through the Tunnels, Don Quixote, plank into downward dog, dive bombers, runners stretch left leg forward, right leg forward, back to plank right arm up, left arm up, Imperial Walkers, left arm up, Arm Circles, SSH.

Tha Thang:
Some were early and did the most amount of burpees. Honker did more than are legally allowed by the state.

Core Line Shuffle.
Line up shoulder to shoulder get down into plank.
HIM at end starts 20 Mtn Climbers then runs to the other end of the line and lays down on back holding feet up 6 inches or so, next HIM begins Mtn climbers then joins the first HIM laying on back holding feet up etc.

Once the last plank holder finishes their Mtn Climbers and runs to the end, the first laying down HIM begins 20 Freddie Mercuries then run to end of the line and hold side plank. Last Freddie Merc runs to end of line. First side plank HIM runs to end of line and hold other side plank until line completes. Line begins again with Plank. Complete 2 sets.

All recover and Run to do 365’s. A long mosey to the front far end of the parking lot. One HIM nursing an injury walked back and forth, we ran the length of the front lot back and forth until we met up with injured HIM face to face then Circle up and do 3 Navy Seals 6 Jump Squats 5 V-ups. Then hop up and run back and forth again until we meet up face to face again. We made 4 stops of 365’s.

Recover and mosey to Cindy. Circle up, 1 HIM runs around basketball goal island and back while the rest do exercise. 3 full rounds were completed.

Exercises completed:
Tri Ext
Flutter kicks
Chest Press
KB Swings
Calf raises
Lawn Mowers

The rooster crowed early on, so we had to pay with 5 burpees.

Announcements: July 27th Ranch and Foundry convergence

Prayers: kids traveling back from camp