1st F 05/31/2024 “I can’t feel my legs!”

QiC: Mr. Miyagi
Date: 05/31/2024
Title: "I can't feel my legs!"
Number of HIMs: 4
Buzz Lightyear, Mr. Miyagi, Patches, Pergo

Number of FNGs: 0
Name of FNGs:

Michael Phelps
Calf stretches and cobra in plank
Runners lunge stretch
Don Quixotes

Tha Thang:
Part 1:

Bonnie Blairs and jump squats
10 of the 1st exercise, run, 1 of the 2nd exercise.
9 o the 1st exercise, run, 2 of the 2nd exercise.
Back and forth until it's 1 and 10.

Part 2:

EMOM – 3 rounds

1 minute work
15 second rest

Side straddle hops
Pickle pushers
Squat jacks
Mountain climbers

Rapid fire Mary:
American Hammers
Gas pumpers
Little baby flutter crunches
Alphabet with legs

Drew Martin and his wife Dana
Pee Shooter and his family
Veggie Tales and Buzz Lightyear's sun graduating

Convergence at Lake Mayer June 15 and at the Ranch at the end of July