1st F 05/16/2024 Lower Body Beatdown with some RUNNING!

QiC: Sparky
Date: 05/16/2024
Title: Lower Body Beatdown with some RUNNING!
Number of HIMs: 9
Amazon, Finkle, Flea, Joanna, Miss Bliss, No Fault Found, Rapinoe, Turtle

Number of FNGs: 0
Name of FNGs:

5 Burpees to get the heart rate kick started
14 SSH
15 TTH
Runners stretch into pigeon

Tha Thang:
25 Air Squats
25 Flitters single count
15 lunges the hard way
25 crunchy bridges
Run 400 m
5 got 5 rounds in
25 leg claps
I think those are the right names for the last two an exercises.

Pledge and prayer