1st F 05/08/2024 The Three Amigos

QiC: Pee Boots
Date: 05/08/2024
Title: The Three Amigos
Number of HIMs: 7
diapers, Fargo, Flo, Kirby, Pee Boots, Puff, Spread Eagle

Number of FNGs: 0
Name of FNGs:

@Kirby was in charge of the stretching

Tha Thang:
Circle of Death:
Face Scrapers
Picking Weeds
Reverse Lunges
Push Ups
Sit Ups
Sprint to the Bench (clock)

Mary to finish the morning workout

COR, NOR, Pledge
Announcement – convergence at lake mid-June-details tbd
Memorial Day murph Forsyth Sat May 25 0600
Prayer – Grateful for beautiful morning, freedom to exercise and gather. Thank you for the men of F3 and pray for Spread's father in law about to start chemo. We pray for all those hurting and ask for guidance and wisdom this week as we lead in our homes and work.