1st F 05/03/2024 Never skip leg day

QiC: Falcon9
Date: 05/03/2024
Title: Never skip leg day
Number of HIMs: 6
Backstreet, Falcon9, Huckleberry, Quikrete, Reba, TestTube

Number of FNGs: 0
Name of FNGs:

OYO Slow High Knees, Tunnels, Imperial Walkers, HIllbillies and Calf Raises

Tha Thang:
Pax headed to the "Danger Zone" to start Leg Day. To kick things off we started the song Danger Zone and kicked off Side Straddle Hops, everytime you heard Danger Zone you drop into a squat then back to SSH's. Rinse and repeat until the song is over.

Next, 3 rounds of 6 exercises. 1 min of work, 20 sec rest. Exercises were:
-Alternating Side Squats
-Tennessee Rocking chairs
-Bulgarian Squats
-Humpin Monkeys
-Skater Lunge

To rest our legs pax took off on a short Indigenous Prisoner Run

Close out with a round of "hot potato Squat" to the Sally up/down song. Pax handed off a ruck sack every time we came to the up position. Some Pax got the privilege of holding the coupon during the extended down position

All had a good time

Prayers for Noodles M, Clog and Reba's family. It was great to see sir Backstreet again.

Life throws us constant challenges, let us not ignore the role our physical abilities play in our mental capacities as men. We are here for each other…