QiC: Pellets
Date: 03/20/2024
Title: Cindy crawls
Number of HIMs: 18
Bartman, Beads, Brick, Chop, Duke, Dump truck, Fresh Prince, Hoover, LiveWire, Mudflap, Pellets, Shark Tank, Snoopy, Trombone, Washout, Wickles, Wild Thing
Number of FNGs: 0
Name of FNGs:
Short run , side straddle hops, concrete pickers, Michael Phelps, stretching
Tha Thang:
1. 25 – Curls – thumb on top
Peter Parker 25yards
25 gas pumpers cadence
and back
2. 25 – Tricep extension – or dips
Bear crawl to 50
25 heal taps cadence
Crawl bear back
3. 15 manmakers
Murder bunny to 25
20 American hammer cadence
Reverse murder bunny
4. 25 kettle bell swings
Walking lunge to 25
25 lbc in cadance
Crab walk back
5. 20 lateral raise brick. Back etc
25 yard burpee long jump
20 hello dolly tricks
Suicide back burpee
6. 25 merkin
Cindy bear crawl push
hold plank high and low
Cindy crawl bear drag
Wickles praises for good report for mother, prayers from chop for Dexter. Reminder need riders for speed for need.