1st F 03/18/2024 Death by skinny runner

QiC: Duke
Date: 03/18/2024
Title: Death by skinny runner
Number of HIMs: 17
Bartman, Beads, Brick, Chop, Chum, Coffee Bean, Doobie, Duke, Dump truck, Fresh Prince, Hoover, Magic, Shark Tank, Trombone, Washout, Wild Thing

Number of FNGs: 0
Name of FNGs:

Line up on sideline
-SSH 20, 4 count then bear crawl to first hash mark
-turf pickers 10, 4 count then lunge to next hash mark
-10 slow merkins, then burpee broad jump to the other sideline
-mosey to 50 yard line of next field and circle up for hurdle stretch, butterfly, etc.

Tha Thang:
– Mosey to bleachers stopping for a variety of Merkin.
– STOP 1: 20 Diamond merkins
– STOP 2: 20 Wide stance Merkin
– STOP 3: 20 Incline Merkin
– Run bleachers then do 20 LBC on turf field
– Mosey to pond. Do a lap around the pond stopping at every bench to do a different an exercise.
1. Skip to bench 1 and do 20, 4 count mountain climbers
2. Karaoke other direction to bench 2 and do 20, 4 count flutter kicks
3. Karaoke to bench 3 and do 20, 4 count heel taps
4. Mosey to bench 4 and do 20, 4 count heels to heaven
5. Backpedal to bench 5 and do 20, 4 count hello dolly’s
6. But kick to bench 6 and do 20, 4 count gas pumpers

Mosey back torture field and bleachers reversing the order of exercises

Pellets interview
Old yeller
Praise to cargo moving to the hill
Be humble and grateful for all of Gods blessings. Be silent and listen for His voice in both your mind and heart