1st F 02/17/2024 Bear, Bunny, Blocks

QiC: TestTube
Date: 02/17/2024
Title: Bear, Bunny, Blocks
Number of HIMs: 8
French Press, Mr. Miyagi, Pippette, ShamWow, Sherman

Number of FNGs: 1
Name of FNGs: Chiquita

Right foot over left touch your toes, left foot over right touch your toes, Don Coyotes, Quad Stretch right, Quad stretch left, Calf Raises, Plank downward dog, under the fence, right arm up, left arm up, little baby arm circles, chinooks forward and reverse, SSH

Tha Thang:
Collaborated Q effort by TestTube and Pipette

Started off with Bear Crawl Indian Shuffle. Last in line crawls to the front and continued 3 rounds. Then we got smart and stood up and did an Indian run to the dumpster, then woke up Cindy.

Cones were set up into 3 sections: 2 PAX at a time work through this course: Bear Crawl into Murder Bunny into Lunge Walk , 5 burpees turn around go back Lunge Walk into Murder Bunny into Bear Crawl back to start line. This was timer for the others, the rest of the PAX work through stated exercises called out by Pipette
Flutter kicks
Heels to heaven
Bonnie Blair's
Lawn mowers

After everyone completed a round we stuck with our partners, group of one partners ran to the basketball goal (RIP) This was the timer for the other partners as they work through the exercises
Chest press
Kettle bell swings

After completing, we began round 2 of bear crawl, murder bunny, lunge

Completed Round 2 put Cindy to bed and ran back to the flag.

Welcome Downrange from Alabama, Pipette’s twin brother AG.
Also welcome FNG Chiquita, always enjoy a teenager pointing out how old we are. His disbelief in our age tells me we are in such good of shape that we seem way younger.

Announcements: Spartan Beast, 2.0 Ruck March 2

Prayers: Miyagi wife pneumonia, French press MIL, Chiquita’s math test