1st F 02/14/2024 Valentines day card part 2

QiC: Beads
Date: 02/14/2024
Title: Valentines day card part 2
Number of HIMs: 6
Beads, Butterfingers, Crablegs, Dump truck, Pine Knot, Trophy

Number of FNGs: 0
Name of FNGs:

Trophy warmed them up while Beads finished early birds
Mosied to playground for 10 PK pull-ups

Tha Thang:
Mosied to pickup Cindy and head to sideline
Followed a Valentine Card
3 rounds of 4 exercises
Draw a playing card for reps and exercises
Queen of hearts equals thrusters or WW3
Tried bear crawl at end of each round but frozen fingers resulted
Take a small lap at end of each round instead
Round 1
Lawn mowers
Narrow squats
Dying cock roach
Round 2
Cindy pullover
Plank jacks
Sumo squats
Round 3
Pickle pointers
Fire hydrants
Bonnie blairs
Plank pull throughs

Prayers for travels over long weekend
Try to spiritually elevate your self during lent