1st F 02/10/2024 Skidder aint weak

QiC: Pelosi
Date: 02/10/2024
Title: Skidder aint weak
Number of HIMs: 5
Bigsby, Cornhole, Pelosi, Spread Eagle, Tooth Fairy

Number of FNGs: 0
Name of FNGs:

Side straddle hops x 30
Thru the tunnel
Worlds greatest stretch
Left hammy 10 sec
Right hammy 10 sec

Tha Thang:
Run to the Deck parking lot. Bear crawl entire parking lot.
1. 50 squats w Cindy
2. 100 step ups easy
3. 25 burpees
4. 100 dips
5. 100 Cindy curls
6. 50 kettle bell swings
7. 50 big boys
8. 20 pull ups
9. 10 merkin
10. 10 pull ups

Thanks to God.