1st F 01/22/2024 Play that Country music….

QiC: Patches
Date: 01/22/2024
Title: Play that Country music….
Number of HIMs: 7
Betty Crocker, Bullwinkle, Door Jam, Mr. Miyagi, Patches, Pergo, Pupusa

Number of FNGs: 0
Name of FNGs:

Downward Dog/Cobra (Disclaimer and Core principles)
R/L Stretch
Touch Toes
R/L arm Stretch
Mosey to 2nd light pole and back to wake up Cindy

Tha Thang:
We met at the light pole with Cindy to complete the First exercise set that included:
30 Merks
30 WWII's
30 Squats w/ cindy
After completing the set each HIM Bear crawled to the cone on the bus ramp (20-25yards) and crawl bear back to the start. Here we grabbed Cindy and rifle carried her to the other side of the bus loop and completed 1 BOPO (Burpee, one leg burpee, Plank burpee, other leg burpee) and rifle carry Cindy back to the start to complete Set 2:
30 Chest Press
30 Curls
30 Dips
Repeat Movement
Set 3:
30 OHPs
30 Lawnmowers
30 KB Swings
After completing the 3 sets we lowered the count to 20. Great work by all, and enjoyed having BC there singing Country Karaoke!!!
** Side note, apparently don't do enough burpees so Pupusa makes sure we get them in every MWF…HA!

Pledge and Pray- Lifted up Clinger, Pupusa family, Bullwinkle SnL, and all the HIM of F3