1st F 01/13/2024 176

QiC: French Press
Date: 01/13/2024
Title: 176
Number of HIMs: 12
French Press, Fro-Zone, Mr. Miyagi, Olive Oil, Orange Juice, Patches, Pippette, Sakrete, ShamWow, Sweet -n -low, TestTube, Tin Cup

Number of FNGs: 0
Name of FNGs:

Before we started, the wind knocked the flag over.

Run in place with: MP, swinging arms, high knees
Jump and twist
Arm across chest
Upper back stretch
Abdominal stretch
Chest stretch
Hamstring stretch (Vinyl style)
Calf stretch

Tha Thang:
Woke up Cindy’s thicker older sister (Big Cindy).
Some guy that drives a white truck honked his horn… we did three burpees.

5 sets. Like 11s except our sets were 10, 8, 6, 4, 2.
We started at 1st island did the 1st exercise which was always the burpee moved Big Cindy to the middle island for second exercise, then walked Big Cindy back to start at 1st island…

1st set- 9 burpees, walk Big C to middle island 10 🏀 (100 style) walked back 8 burpees walked BC 20 🏀. 7/30, 6/40…

2nd set- 7 burpees, walk BC 4 count squat weighted or unweighted. 6/2, 5,3….

3rd set- 5 burpees, walk BC, 1 4 count American Hammer. 4/2, 3,3…

4th set- 3 burpees, walk BC, 1 WWII 4 count. 2/2, 1/3.

5th set- 1 burpee, walk BC, 1 merkin.

Put BC back in bed.

Brought up what Pergo said yesterday, you’ve gotta love who you lead.

We didn’t know the penalty for the flag dropping. Discussed briefly what the flag means to me, asked everyone to think what it means to them. Since we didn’t know the penalty for the flag dropping we did 10 Merkins as a pre-penalty. We all agreed Shamwow would find out the penalty, post it, and all present today would complete the penalty and reply to Shamwows message on Slack when complete.

We discussed pushing ourselves more when working out. It’s all good having a good time while working out, but you need to push yourself to better yourself.

Announcements: 20th Summerville, to honor (sorry forgot his name). If you say you’re going to pray for someone, do it. Gumbo, new Site Q at Pooler.

Our members with challenges, hardship, physical, emotional struggles.

Sakrete’s sister and brother in law.
Patches and friends upcoming travel.
Babies and mothers to be.