1st F 12/20/2023 Christmas break beatdown

QiC: Dump truck
Date: 12/20/2023
Title: Christmas break beatdown
Number of HIMs: 20
Bluey, Brick, Captain D, Chum, Doobie, Duke, Eleanor, Fresh Prince, Greenspan, LiveWire, Lonestar, Mudflap, Papa Doc, Pellets, Shark Tank, Washout, Whistle

Number of FNGs: 0
Name of FNGs:

Pledge , welcome, 5 tenants, work don’t hurt yourself
SSH- 25
Asphalt pickers
Calf stretch
Groiner stretch
Mt. Climbers
1 Lap around turf fields

Tha Thang:
Grab Cindy head for the goal line
Partner work – 1 Cindy per group
Partner 1 runs suicides 10,20,30,40
And does 1 burpee at the 10ydl, 2 at 20ydl, 3 at 30 DL
4 at 40 ydl .
Partner 2 is performing the exercise until both have completed a round and move on to the next exercise.

Kettle Bell swing
Mt. Climbers
Man makers
Block pull thrus
Alt hand block merkins
WW ll’s
Gas pumpers
Not sure if all the exercises were completed but a great effort was given by all

Tug- o- war was attempted twice but with all the pent up aggression and shear strength of the pax our rope could not hold up.
So we had a Farmers carry relay to finish it out.

Paul Condits daughter
Shark Tanks Mom
McAlister Elementary race and Speed for Need
Continued prayers for Old Yeller