1st F 11/20/2023 Pick your poison for 1000

QiC: Fresh Prince
Date: 11/20/2023
Title: Pick your poison for 1000
Number of HIMs: 12
Bartman, Brick, Chum, Duke, Fresh Prince, Johnny Mac, LiveWire, Mudflap, Pellets, Shark Tank, Whistle

Number of FNGs: 0
Name of FNGs:

Warmup – Jog around the block, asphalt pickers x 15,downward dog, cobra

Tha Thang:
The workout is as follows with each group (2) picking their poison (1, 2 or 3) – runner will farmers carry for first two sets with sets 3 and 4 a 50 yard farmers carry drop the block and bear crawl back.

1- chest/arms
– pushups (250)
– Chest press (250)
– Curls (thumb on top) (250)
– Skull Crushers (250)
2 – legs/arms
– squats (250)
– Bonnie Blair’s (250)
– Figure 8’s (250)
– Skulls Crushers (250)
3 – Shoulders/arms
– OHP (250)
– Kettlebells Swings (250)
– Lawnmower pulls per arm (250)
– Curls (thumb on top) (250)

Prayers for those traveling, those missing a loved one and for Phelps as he sets off to his next duty station! Happy Thanksgiving to all!