1st F 11/10/2023 Fly baby Fly

QiC: noodles
Date: 11/10/2023
Title: Fly baby Fly
Number of HIMs: 4
Clog, Falcon9, noodles, TestTube

Number of FNGs: 0
Name of FNGs:

@backstreeet stretches, plank stretches, Imperial Walkers, SSH

Tha Thang:
Go pick up Cindy from the darkwoods and bring her just inside the light by the corner of the parking lot. Objective, throw the frisbee as far as possible to the next corner- at each landing do the following.
11- OHP, 10, Block mercons, 20 curls, 3 Navy seals. Leaving Cindy on the far corner, Pax continued to next corner doing 10 mercons, 11 squats, 20 LBC, 3 Navy Seals, at each landing. After two corners and everyone tired of Navy seals and merkins each pax rotated the 11-10-23 altering exercises, far too many for an old man to recall, except @falcon Febreze. Finally making it back to Cindy we place her back on the DW and mozyed to the flag.

Parade on the 11th, need minimum of 6 pax to commit from the Ao's. Chad 1000 tomorrow @0600 OG. @clogs wife down with back trouble.