1st F 11/02/2023 Early Birthday Q

QiC: Sakrete
Date: 11/02/2023
Title: Early Birthday Q
Number of HIMs: 7
Falcon9, French Press, Gadget, Mr. Miyagi, Sakrete, ShamWow, Sweet -n -low

Number of FNGs: 0
Name of FNGs:

Plank and rock back on calves to discuss Core Principles
Plank to discuss mission statement
Plank and rock back on calves for disclaimer
*Leave Arms up until instructed to put down. All exercises done IC
10 LBAC forward
10 LBAC reverse
10 overhead claps
10 seal claps
10 moraccan night clubs
*drop arms

10 Hillbillies IC

Grab 2 Cindy per PAX and gather at trash can

Partner 1 farmer carries
Partner 2 does 3 colosseums and runs to catch up.
Flip Flop
Rinse and repeat until full route is completed.
Route was little parking lot i to big parking lot around bball goal and around church

Tha Thang:
Gather back at trash can. Suitcase carry one block across parking lot to station 2. Return to station 1.

Station 1 beside trash can- 11 Tri-Cep Extensions
Station 2 across little parking lot- 4 curls for the girls on Q
Station 3 entrance to big parking lot 86 calf raises on Q
Station 4 basketball goal 37 Squats
Station 5 exit to big parking lot 11 LBCs
Station 1 4 tri cep extensionsions
Station 2 86 curls
Station 3 37 calf raises
Station 4 11 squats
Station 5 4 LBCs
Station 1 86 tri cep extensions
Station 2 37 curls for girls

Stow Cindy’s and return to flag

Once back at flag- 36 LBCs on Q

Prayers for local family who unexpectedly lost 4 month old
Rincon Christmas parade 11/18. F3 participation. See Clog or Falcon9 for details
Bridgerun 12/2
We are an official S4N host site and chairs are coming soon.