QiC: Trophy
Date: 10/30/2023
Title: Pine Knot is Back
Number of HIMs: 4
Butterfingers, Crablegs, Pine Knot, Trophy
Number of FNGs: 0
Name of FNGs:
Leg stretch, trunk twists, push uo bras, arm circles
Tha Thang:
PK showed up fashionably late. Grad Cindy and get to it… start on goal line. 90 merkins. Murder bunny to 10 yard line. Back to goal line. 80 situps. Murder bunny from 10 to 20 yard line. Run back to goal line. 70 air squats. Murder bunny to the 30. 60 merkins, Murder bunny 40. 50 situps, Murder bunny 50. 40 squats, Murder bunny 60. 30 merkins, Murder bunny 70. 20 situps, Murder bunny 80. 10 squats, Murder bunny to goal line. Done. Put Cindy up. Time for Mary- 30 gas pumpers, 30 LBCs, 30 pelvic leg raises, 30 heels to heaven
PK brother in law. Prayers for Old Yeller.