1st F 10/27/2023 There are two sides to every story

QiC: Mr. Miyagi
Date: 10/27/2023
Title: There are two sides to every story
Number of HIMs: 6
Bullwinkle, Buzz Lightyear, Door Jam, Pergo, WooHoo

Number of FNGs: 0
Name of FNGs:

Plank with disclaimer
One arm up in the air, 5 core principles
The other arm in the air, F3 mission
Runners lunge stretch
Imperial walkers
Moroccan night clubs
Chinooks fwd and reverse

Tha Thang:
Pax lined up along one side of the track.On that side of the track, we started with 1 burpee. Bear crawled to the other side of the track and did 1 V-up. Bear crawled back to the first side and did 2 burpees, then bear crawled back to the other side and did 2 V-ups. We kept doing this til 10 burpees and 10 V-ups were completed.

Next, we went in reverse and changed up the exercises. We started on side with 10 hand release merkins. Bear crawled back to the other side and did 10 squats and bear crawled back. We continued on til we were down to 1 hand release merkin and 1 squat.

Finished up with:
Little baby flutter crunches
Box cutters Colosseum style
Freddy Mercurys
American Hammers
Pickle pushers

It was good to have WooHoo with us this morning.

Reiterated about keeping yourself help during the changing of the seasons.
Prayers for all the injured Pax across the region
Prayers for the worship/youth pastor candidate for Bullwinkle's church

S4N at the Bridge Run