1st F 10/25/2023 BOB

QiC: Gumbo
Date: 10/25/2023
Title: BOB
Number of HIMs: 11
1-Call, 9.5, Backfire, Brady Bunch, DQ, French Press, Gumbo, Quikrete, Sippy Cup, Spam, Sweet -n -low

Number of FNGs: 0
Name of FNGs:

10 merks in cadence
15 high knees in cadence
10 TTT in cadence
15 Moroccan night clubs in cadence
OYO Stretched:
Arm circles

Tha Thang:
Introducing BOB – Big Old Bag

Indian Run around the field with BOB introducing herself to each Pax at the end of the line.

1 Pax carries BOB to the 50 and back

While the timer is going the rest of the pack is doing one of the following:
1. Hoping Burpees (Burpee, hop forward, hop backwards, burpee)
2. Lunging Bonnie Blairs (right leg lunges forward the lunges backwards then a bonny Blair and repeat with other leg)
3. Mike Tysons
4. Slowmo mountain climbers with a donkey kick
5. Colosiums with a hand clap on every other
6. Low squat with back lunges
7. Knee tuck

Each time the timer gets back, the Pax carrying BOB does the given exercise while the rest of the pack goes 100 yards and back.

New Pax carries BOB and the rest do the next exercise.

Completed two rounds

Indian Run back the way we came from with BOB saying her goodbye to each Pax at the end of the line.

Discussion on being their for each other. If you are struggling with something seek a fellow Pax to talk to. All should keep themselves approachable, we never know what somebody may be going through and if that is the day that they are willing to open up.

1. Shoeman family as they grieve the passing of a loved one
2. SNL niece as she recovers from cauterization procedure
3. BC recovery
4. Spams tough conversations