1st F 10/24/2023 Four corners Two arms

QiC: Hobby Lobby
Date: 10/24/2023
Title: Four corners Two arms
Number of HIMs: 2
Hobby Lobby, Trophy

Number of FNGs: 0
Name of FNGs:

Plank w/stretches

Tha Thang:
It just took two to tango this morning although the entire dance floor was wide open. Need to EH some new Westside guys as well as the old crew!
However, YHC and Trophy started the morning with 25 pull ups then grabbed Cindy to begin the pain.
Four corners were set and we farmer carried to each station.
10 Lawnmowers & 10 Carolina Dry Docks
20 Squirrels & 20 skull crushers
30 OHPs & 30 ranger merks
40 Curls & 40 dips
Some EC miles were done before the workout and some were done after. Great morning!

Pledge prayer
Time to make a comeback for the Westside!