1st F 10/20/2023 Mr. Woodcocks Side Hustle

QiC: Mr. Woodcock
Date: 10/20/2023
Title: Mr. Woodcocks Side Hustle
Number of HIMs: 20
Beads, Brick, Bring it, Chum, Doubtfire, Duke, Dump truck, Fresh Prince, Granite, Greenspan, Milkman, Mr. Woodcock, Mudflap, Papa Doc, Shark Tank, Slice, Trombone, Whistle, Wild Thing

Number of FNGs: 0
Name of FNGs:

20 -SSH in cadence
High plank runners stretch
Alternate right/left foot forward
Alternate right/left arm aligned vertical
Downward dog
Lifted leg shuffles
Feet out down the middle

Tha Thang:
"SIDE HUSTLE" by: Mr. Woodcock 10/20/23Directions:
-Roll the dice. Add a zero to the number rolled. (1 & 2's, Partners just go once each) Pax will choose exercise out of 5 to complete. Try to complete all five. If completed do other exercises in the category while other PAX finish. Pax will perform 10 minutes at each station. ROTATE TO THE RIGHT

ARMS (left Endzone)
*(Sprint to the other side)
1. Alternating Merkins
2. OHP
3. Curls
4. Lawn Mower Pulls
5. Hand Release Merkins

Legs (Center Field)
*(Shuffle both direction)
1. Sumo Squats
2. Side Lunge
3. Bonnie Blairs (×2)
4. Superstars
5.Toe Taps (Vertical Cindy)

Full Body (Right end zone)
(Run Backwards)
1. Mountain climbers (×2)
2. Pull Under (Cindy left/right)
3. Front support/Back Support
4. Plank Jack
5. Nolan Ryans (5 count switch)

Prayer were for stopping the wars all around the world.
Happy birthday to @Old Yeller.
Safe weekend of sports and travel for pax. Watch over the seafood festival. Good decisions and strong decisions.