1st F 10/18/2023 BOP with me

QiC: noodles
Date: 10/18/2023
Title: BOP with me
Number of HIMs: 4
Backstreet, Falcon9, noodles, Quikrete

Number of FNGs: 0
Name of FNGs:

TTT, DQs (because I can't spell), Imperial walkers, round of 21-nailed it.

Tha Thang:
Board of Pain-
25 burpees- run 200 meters
50 merkins- run 200 meters
50 squats- run 200 meters
50 lbc- run 200 meters
50 jump squats-200 meters
50 Mountain climbers per leg -run 200 meters
50 shoulder taps per arm-run 200 meters
25 burpees- run 200 meters

Enmarket Bridge Run in Dec- support F3 and SFN

Pledge -Pray
Verse of the day- John 21:17 "…Simon son of John do you love me?. He said, "Feed my sheep."
Oswald Chambers- " "In effect, He said, Identify yourself with my interest other people, not Identify me with your interest on other people."