QiC: Patches
Date: 10/16/2023
Title: Longest Drive Workout
Number of HIMs: 6
Bullwinkle, Buzz Lightyear, Mr. Miyagi, Patches, Pergo, Spokes
Number of FNGs: 0
Name of FNGs:
Michael Phelps-disclaimer
Right/Left Stretch
Downward dog/Cobra
Runner stretch
Seated toe touch
Tha Thang:
I broke out the Phys. Ed golf set and we had a longest drive workout in the gloom. Each HIM took a turn grabbing the driver, an exercise tile out the bucket, and drove the ball off the tee while the pax completed the exercise. He would sprint to the ball, mark it with a cone,sprint back, place it on the tee, then the next HIM would go. Exercises included- blockies,monkey humpers,Hand Release Mercs, Mt. climbers, alt. hand mercs, lawnmowers, block pull thru, thruster,LBCs, shoulder taps, WWIII, ohp, curl, hammers, chest press, acct. squats, goblet squats, 4 ct flutters, dips, gas pumpers,KB swings, and burpees.
Great time by all, lots of mumble chatter, someone from the peanut gallery kept yelling every time I was up to drive the ball…1 guess who that was…
After about 4 Rounds, Mr. Miyagi had the lead in the longest Drive competition until Patches O'Houlihan hit a ROCKET across the bus ramp bumping him down to second place. I did give the longest drive prize to Miyagi for "almost" out driving me. Fun time and great work by all.
Announcements- Ranch 1 Year Anniversary this Saturday, Bridge run, Chad 1000
Prayer- Pergo 31 year Wedding anniversary-praise! Miyagi 2.0 sick, travel mercies for my M and daughter, Israel/Gaza