1st F 10/11/2023 A$$ Kicker part II

QiC: Chum
Date: 10/11/2023
Title: A$$ Kicker part II
Number of HIMs: 22
Beads, Brick, Bring it, Captain D, Chop, Chum, Coffee Bean, Duke, Fresh Prince, Greenspan, LiveWire, Magic, Milkman, Mr. Woodcock, Mudflap, Pellets, Shark Tank, Smoke, Trombone, Washout, Whistle, Wild Thing

Number of FNGs: 0
Name of FNGs:

Pledge, tenants, disclaimer. SSH, Imperial Walker, downward dog, calf stretch, runner stretch, leg over leg IT band.

Tha Thang:
Grab your girl and head to the “Cage”. Workout explained 10 ex’s Tabata style 20 on/ 10 off with 150 sec active recovery x4 rounds.
Ex’s: burpee, squirrels, bottom burpees, gladiator thrusters, American Hammers, OHP, bird dogs, Bonnie Blair and Freddie Mercury .

Announcements: RHUMC Gold tournament 10-14, Speed for Need Heartwood 10/14, S4N fundraiser $5000+, Grow Ruck success. Continue to pray for Piggy Bank. Praying for those impacted by war and suffering, praying for our troops and leadership.