QiC: Mr. Miyagi
Date: 09/18/2023
Title: Plus 5
Number of HIMs: 4
Door Jam, Spokes
Number of FNGs: 0
Name of FNGs:
Plank with disclaimer
Merkins x5
Standing leg stretch
Trunk twists
Michael Phelps
TTTs x15
LBACs x15 fwd, x15 reverse
Chinooks x15 fwd, x15 reverse
Tha Thang:
Gathered at the light pole.
10 HR Merkins
10 American Hammers 4-count
10 Squat w/ cindy
10 curls
10 WW2
10 lunges 2-count
Rifle carry to the second tree and back.
15 OHP
15 Freddy Mercurys 4-count
15 sumo squats
15 tricep extensions
15 flutter kicks 4-count
15 curtsy lunges 2-count
Rifle carry to the second tree and back.
20 HR Merkins
20 American Hammers 4-count
20 Squat w/ cindy
20 curls
20 WW2
20 lunges 2-count
Rifle carry to the second tree and back.
25 OHP
25 Freddy Mercurys 4-count
25 sumo squats
25 tricep extensions
25 flutter kicks 4-count
25 curtsy lunges 2-count
Rifle carry to the second tree and back.
Then Mary at the flag…..
Gas pumpers
Box cutters
Great to have Door Jam back out with us, even if he did modify.
Prayers for Door Jam, Pergo, and any others that have injuries to combat.
Continue prayers for Bullwinkle and his family.
Growruck in October