1st F 09/13/2023 9/11 Tribute Stair Run

QiC: Trophy
Date: 09/13/2023
Title: 9/11 Tribute Stair Run
Number of HIMs: 4
Beads, Crablegs, Papa Doc, Trophy

Number of FNGs: 0
Name of FNGs:

Leg stretch
Ss hops
Don Quixote
Imperial walkers

Tha Thang:
Head to Turf 1.

8 rounds with partner. 14 flights of stairs per round. While partner runs rabbit on the stairs other partner does ab work until they get back. Goal is 8 rounds of stairs. For 9-11. 8 rounds x 10 stairs x 14 flight~=1100 stairs for 9/11.

Ab work:
Big boys
Gas pumpers
Side crunches
X factors
Heels to heaven

Ran out of time, finished up with 2 more rounds of stairs. Or 960 stairs total.

Prayers for middle school dance. 15 year old birthday today!