1st F 09/01/2023 A bit of this and that

QiC: Backstreet
Date: 09/01/2023
Title: A bit of this and that
Number of HIMs: 5
Doogie, noodles, Pippette, TestTube

Number of FNGs: 0
Name of FNGs:

Squirrels, Tricep extensions
Back-Street Stretches
Never cross-Dolly – Upper Body in an Iron Cross, count Dollies in Cadence, only six on the ground.
Pickle Pounders – Elbow plank, up and down hip flexion
Tennessee Rocking Chairs – bend at the waist, touch toes, rotate knees to a squat position, and back

Tha Thang:
20 minutes of Catch Me If You Can – two partners, first partner performs the exercise, and then sprints to catch the other partner who has been shuffling with the cinder block
10 Christian Laettner’s – touch the ground, then jump-shot
10 Leprechauns – plank, then feet to hands and back. Like a Colosseum, but without a Merkin
20 Monkey Humpers
5 burpees

Quadraphilia: Set a timer for 4 minutes, and ran forward and backward between two points in the parking lot. Terrible.

Stacked Cindy race. Ran a relay race carrying Cindy, unstacking a tower, and restacking it some distance away. Restart if the tower falls down. Take a break and then retrieve the tower in another race. Because of an odd # of PAX, the entire group participated for time. Times steadily improved.

Finish with Mary. Gas Pumpers, Crunchy Frogs, Elbow Plank, Flutter Kicks, Failure to Launch (10 count in a squat, jump in the air, back to a 10 count squat. Got 9 before failure.

Thanks were offered for missing the worst of Idalia.

Pledge, Lord’s Prayer

Thanks for showing up, great group this morning. Have a happy Labor Day weekend, Iron Pax Week 1 on Monday!

Verse for the day is Proverbs 22:4. “The reward for humility and fear of the Lord is riches and honor and life.”