1st F 08/25/2023 Football Friday with Trophy 🏆

QiC: Trophy
Date: 08/25/2023
Title: Football Friday with Trophy 🏆
Number of HIMs: 5
Butterfingers, Low Tide, Lynard, Papa Doc, Trophy

Number of FNGs: 0
Name of FNGs:

Stretch down middle, left, right.
20 ss hops
Runners stretch
DD and cobra

Tha Thang:
Start of football season this weekend, so feeling in the spirit…
Drills. Start on the goal line. Plank jump overs, working your way from center field to the sidelines and back. Next up- Shuffle drills, coach has the whistle. Shuffle right, Shuffle left on coaches call, then sprint forward 10 yards. Working down to the 50 yard line. Next up- up downs on coaches whistle, chop those feet whistle, down, up, sprint forward 10 yards, working out to the 50 yard line. Next up- DT rollovers. Break it down on the whistle, coach calling rollovers right or left, then sprint forward 10 yards, 3 sets… Next up run some shuffles around the goal line to get the hips engaged. Time to run some routes.
To the parking lot for lights, cover 2, hot routes. Trophy on the QB. If offense catches, D does sets of 10 and O does 5. Burpees, merkins, big boy situps, and Bonnie's. Offense scored 2 TDs Then to test the leg out, 30 yard chips for the kickers. Each guy gets a right hash, center and left hash from 30 yards. Start with 20 burpee, everyone you make take away 1. Everyone but Low Tide made one… wait Butterfingers also missed all 3… last up, get the sprinters warmed up. 40%, 60%, 80%, and 100% 50 yard sprints. End it with Mary, 25 ea- gas pumpers, side crunches and x-factors…

Prayers for our travelers, 13 year Olds, and just being good leaders…..