1st F 08/23/2023 IronPAX Preparation

QiC: Mr. Miyagi
Date: 08/23/2023
Title: IronPAX Preparation
Number of HIMs: 6
Door Jam, Pergo, Spokes

Number of FNGs: 0
Name of FNGs:

Plank with disclaimer
Downward dog and cobra 2x
Runners lunges
10 merkins

Tha Thang:
We prepared our minds and bodies for the next five weeks of IronPAX

Part 1:
AMLAP(As Many Laps As Possible)for 15 mins
Four cones in square formation, about 30 feet apart.

Start at cone 1
Bear crawl forward to cone 2
Cone 2: 10 slow merkins
Bear crawl left to cone 3
Cone 3: 10 total Bonnie Blairs
Bear crawl backwards to cone 4
Cone 4: 20 IC American hammers
Bear crawl right to cone 1
Cone 1: 20 IC mountain climbers

Part 2: finish out the Q
At light pole, do four exercises, run to the next light pole(80 meters) and back(80 meters) between each exercise. Repeat process.

20 curls
20 weighted squats
20 OHP
20 plank jacks

Prayers for those dealing with injuries and other things

Tybee ruck Saturday
Ruck training at the Underground 9/16
Growruck in October
Revival at Countryside Baptist Church this Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday
Legacy Men's Conference at Countryside Baptist Church September 8-9