1st F 08/21/2023 I lost my number, can I have yours?

QiC: Patches
Date: 08/21/2023
Title: I lost my number, can I have yours?
Number of HIMs: 6
Bullwinkle, Door Jam, Mr. Miyagi, Patches, Pergo, Spokes

Number of FNGs: 0
Name of FNGs:

downward dog/cobra
5 merks oyo
runner stretch Rt/Lt
Rt/Lt Stretch
Mosey to 3rd light pole and back to get cindy

Tha Thang:
We met at the drain in the middle of the bus ramp, a cone was placed 20 yards to the left of the drain, 20 yards in front of drain, and 20 yards to the right of the drain. 0-3 was on the left, 4-6 center, and 7-9 was on the right. 10 exercises were listed on the weinke- 0= 30 OHP 1=30 Curls 2=25 Incline Merks 3=40 Chest Press 4=10 man makers 5=30 dips 6=20 lawnmowers each arm 7= 25 decline merks 8=40 flutters w cindy 9= 35 squats w cindy.
Each Him used his cell phone number with area code to determine which way to travel and which exercise to complete. Each HIM had to murder bunny to the cone, complete exercise, rifle carry back, complete 3 burpees, before dialing the next digit, All made it through their number right on time, while battling ants from the start!
***Pretty sure DJ has a bootleg cricket phone, he spent a lot of time alone this morning, and almost positive that's Pergo's number I seen on a few bathroom walls…

Announcements- Revival starting Sunday at Countryside, legacy Mens conference Sep. 8/9, beach ruck this Saturday, Grow ruck Oct 6-8
Pray- Great to have Pergo back, prayers for the family that suddenly lost a loved one