1st F 08/16/2023 On the Fly

QiC: Quikrete
Date: 08/16/2023
Title: On the Fly
Number of HIMs: 3
Huckleberry, Short Circuit

Number of FNGs: 0
Name of FNGs:


Tha Thang:
Climb up the ladder: do the workout, run to the tree, do burpees based on number of trees passed, run back to base camp.
20 merkins
20 LBC
Run to tree, 2 burpee
30 squats
30 flutter
Run to tree, 3 burpees; get the pattern?
40 Carolina
40 abs
Tree, 4 burpees
50 MH
50 abs
Tree, 5 burpees
60 air press
60 abs
Tree, 6 burpees
70 Squats
70 abs
Tree, 7 burpees
80 SS
80 abs
Tree, 8 burpees
90 something
90 abs
Tree, 9 burpees
100 seal clap with calf raise
100 Jon boat
Tree, 10 burpees

Count, name, pledge, Lord’s Prayer!